The double intragastric balloon technique is based on placing two balloons in the stomach. The procedure for putting it place and removing it is exactly the same as that of the intragastric balloon, but it is indicated for higher levels of obesity (since it takes up a larger part of the stomach).

This treatment is particularly indicated in patients with compulsive eating habits, i.e., people who eat excess quantities of food in a compulsive manner.

The basis on which the double balloon works is the same as that of the intragastric balloon. If the patient has had the double balloon in place for a while, he/she will have a continuous sensation of satiation that will make it possible to lose weight more easily.

The complications and risks that may arise are the same as those that could occur with the intragastric balloon.


With this option it is possible to lose between 45 and 60 kg, but for the double balloon to function correctly the patient must obey the instructions of the medical team in full.

 Calculate yout Body Mass Index:

And see which category you belong to:

