Our medical team leads the way in Medical Training in the POSE Method

Medical Training in the POSE MethodSeveral studies that have been published (including the first study in the world on the results of the POSE Method), our results regarding weight loss, the effectiveness and maintaining of the weight lost in the long term, and the improvement of diseases associated with obesity, including hypertension and type 2 diabetes, among others, have resulted in our medical team being considered international leaders in treating excess weight and obesity with the POSE Method today.

As such, and parallel to our participation in conferences and the activity of daily consultations, our medical team regularly provides training on an international level in several techniques, but in the POSE Method in particular. Currently, we are the only centre authorised to provide training in the POSE Method, and we have trained different medical teams in Spain, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Dubai, among others.

Under this framework of collaboration and training with other medical professionals, Dr Román Turró recently performed nine POSE Method interventions in Germany and trained four medical professionals in Dortmund (Germany) in this endoscopic technique, which continues to accumulate scientific evidence demonstrating optimal results in the treatment of excess weight and obesity.

Medical Training in the POSE Method

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